Better late, than never…

Wow, it’s been over 2 months since my last posting.  Where has the summer gone?

Brianna played her 1st year of softball.  She had fun and was actually quite good even though she throws like a girl!  Haha, that was our joke, she would get quite offended when I would tell her that, BECAUSE SHE IS A GIRL.  By the end of the season she got better at taming down her wild girl throws.  She did inform me that she would like to play again next year.  Dani was nice enough to grace everyone with her presence at a few of the games.  Only once did she actually make it through the whole 5 innings!  Miss Kaylee was cheering on the sidelines, well, she was there in body form.  She usually was reduced to pay attention to the game once her cell phone died!  Oh the joys of sisters!

Kaylee, on the other hand, didn’t want to take softball.  Why?  Well, duh, that involves running!  We quite aren’t up to speed on that one yet. 

In less than a month, school starts up again for the girls.  Pretty sure Dani and the nurse can’t wait either!  Then they get the nice, quiet house back again.  Kaylee will be a 7th Grader and Brianna will be a 5th Grader.  Where does time go?  Dan and I have decided not to send Dani to Kindergarten.  We feel that it would be more stressful and hinder her quality of life by forcing her into a crazy, hectic kindergarten routine.  She would be exposed to more germs and sickness, that I don’t think she has the strength to fight.  Let’s face it, she gets out of her “routine” when relatives come to visit, let alone, taking her out of the comfort of her own home and putting her in a room full of 5 year olds!

Speaking of 5 year olds.  Dani celebrated her 5th birthday on July 1st!  I can’t believe she is 5 already!  We celebrated her birthday at the house with Grandma Donna and the Heier  Family.  Tony and Grandpa Durand spent the 4th in El Salvador!  They brought Joana back them!  It was over a year that she was in El Salvador.  Hopefully, soon, Maria and Jasmin will get to come back.

Dani had a routine visit with 2 specialists.  The first one was with Dr. Doubledee, her GI dr.  She only gained ½ pound in 6 months, so he increased her feedings.  It was an adjustment for her, but she seems to be tolerating her feeding now.  The second appointment was with Dr. Veloria, her pulmonologist dr.  He did suggest Robinul for her increased secretions, but we declined this medication.  Dani has been on this in the past, that gave her kidney problems.  I am sorry, I would rather deal with a little extra drool than have to cath my daughter whenever she had to pee!

It has been a tough summer for us.  The company that Dan was working for, closed its doors.  He was out of work for little over a month.  Thankfully, he has found a new job with not that much of  a pay decrease.  At least it is something!  The way I look at it, you just need to roll with the punches, no sense getting all worked up.

On Sunday, we are having a girls weekend and heading to the Cities.   Dani has an appointment at Gillette Children’s with Dr Petronio, her neurosurgeon on Tuesday. (Sadie, we would love to see you if you will be around)  The girls, Grandma Donna and I will be leaving on Sunday for a “mini” vacation.  (Traveling with Dani is NOT a vacation)  We are going to complete our school shopping and go to Nickelodeon Universe.   

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