Dani had her 4 year check up. Luckily, the State sends out letters informing us that we are behind on her shots. We forget the “normal” stuff with Dani. Her pediatrician was impressed with her weight gain and how well she has been doing. We discussed the possibility of taking her Port A Cath out when she gets her Baclofen pump placed. Currently, we drag her to the hospital once a month for it to get flushed by the nursing staff there. Knock on wood, but we have not had to actually use the port for quite some time. Since she is getting put under, we would like to kill two birds with one stone. Dani got 4 booster shots as well. She didn’t get as mad as I thought she would, but she did let the nurse she didn’t like the shots. The doctor also discussed that in addition to Dani getting the flu shot, she will have to get 2 boosters of H1N1. This goes for the other two girls as well. Dani will go another winter without the RSV shots since she doesn’t hit all the requirements for the insurance to pay for it. If I had the $68,000, she would get the shots. We are gearing up for another flu and cold season. I am worried about this year. The last two years, we have kept her healthy and out of the hospital. This is a far cry from a hospital stay every two weeks! However, it is different this time around. Dani has 4 different nurses coming in on a daily basis as well as OT and PT. More people equals more germs. But I am sure I am worrying for nothing because she has shown over and over again that she is one tough cookie!

 Kaylee and Brianna are adjusting to waking up early once again to get to school. It will be a few more weeks before Rex adjusts to them not being here. It is quite funny to watch him run from room to room looking for them. Especially on the hard wood floors 🙂

Dani’s movies – Enjoy!

“Dani is starting to look healthy”

 That was a quote from one of Dani’s doctors. She has stopped throwing up her feedings and actually digesting them. She is packing on the pounds. She is even starting to get a little belly on her. Her goal is 32 pounds in order to go ahead with her Baclofen Pump surgery.

Dani had her GI appointment today. She is 31.5 pounds! Dani is in the 25th percentile for her weight and 50th percentile for her height. She is almost at her goal! Dr Doubledee did not make any changes and is impressed with her progress. He asked what we had plans for her after she reaches her goal. I said we wanted to maintain her weight at the 32 pounds but yes, back off her packing on the pounds. He said that was a good idea because he sees too many G-tube kids that are extremely overweight.

Dani’s rash is gone. It took a dose of steroids to get rid of it. Yipee!

Today was the girls’ first day of school. Kaylee is in 6th grade and Beans is in 4th. From the sounds of it, it was a good day and they were glad to be back. Kaylee was impressed that she actually got choices at lunch.

Dan was offered a day hours and he took it! Last weekend was the first weekend we were a “normal” family. It was nice having him home, although we have very different routines for Dani. Since Dan is home, we let the girls pick a sport to play in. Beans picked volleyball. That’s my girl! Kaylee, well, she picked Cheer. I first had to point out, that’s not a sport. I should have stuck to my guns on that one because WOW, it is on the spendy side.

 I am down to my final 3 classes for my IT degree. But I am getting to the point, where I just want to take a break. I am tired of balancing work, school, and family life.

Poor Rex, he first has to adjust to nurses during the week to now, the girls going back to school. It has been quite the adjustment for him!

Sorry for the lack of updates on my part, but I have been going by the theory, “no news is good news.” Dani is doing great (knock on wood) and the only hospital stay she has had the last year was one we scheduled for her botox shots! This is the first time since her brain injury we have not hit our out of pocket minimum yet!