Just in case I don’t get a posting in before Christmas.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Germans!

We survived both of the girls slumber party.  That was the first time either of them had one mainly because of Dani.  She did well with all the added noise.  Rex loved the extra attention all the kids were giving him.  He even had to show off quite a bit.

We had a nice Thanksgiving at Tea. 

Dani met a very nice surgeon.  At this stage in the game, it takes a lot for us to be impressed by a doctor.  And I was.  You don’t find too many surgeons with bed side manner or a sense of humor, it was an awesome change of pace.  He even talked to Dani on a couple different occasions during the appointment.  Either he hid it well, or he really wasn’t that “scared” of Dani. 

Now, will the surgery be done in Sioux Falls or St Paul?  This we don’t know.  He is very concerned on how small Dani is and does not want to cause more harm then good.  Which we can totally understand.  These concerns were voiced in St Paul as well.  And it is always with Dani, there really isn’t a clear cut answer on what we should do for her.  So, we will see if in 2010 that Dani will undergo her Baclofen Pump surgery.

For the last 10 days, Dani has been battling a cold.  This is the first sickness in TWO years!  Dan had a bacterial infection and cold himself.  We are fortunate that Dani’s pediatrician prescribed an antibiotic for her just as a precaution in case she developed what Dan had.  We kept her cold as just that, a cold.  We did nebs every 4 hours as well as her vest therapy.  (This is a vest she wears that thumps on her chest pretty good to help clear out her lungs.)  If Dani woke up in the middle of the night coughing, Dan would neb her.  Thankfully, after all our efforts, this did not develop into pneumonia for her and NO HOSPITAL STAY.   

It has been 2 years, but we are attempting to bring Dani back to Sisseton for Christmas.  She hates change and usually has a tough time traveling.  Not to mention that she is such a treat to pack for!  But Dani is only going to Grandma Donna’s, so if you want to see her, you’ll have to come to the farm.  We don’t think she can handle traveling to see all the relatives, too many new smells and too much noise.  We are hoping that this will help her out.  We will be back on Christmas Eve and leave in the evening on Christmas Day.

Other than that, it has been pretty “normal” and “quiet” in the German household.  Two words that you usually don’t use to describe our household…