A busy weekend…

The girls attended their first SibShop in Sioux Falls.  Sibshops is a program designed just for brothers and sisters of children with special needs and it is free of charge. SIBSHOPS offer siblings a time to meet other brothers and sisters of children with special needs, make new friends, fun, recreation, and education while sharing feelings with others who really know what it is like to have a sibling with a disability.  They said they had fun and want to go every month! 

I took Dani shopping at the mall.  I debated about this because she is coming down with a cold.  But Dani did good shopping.  Sitting up in her kidkart, she was able to get some big coughs out.  I brought her suction machine along in case she needed help.  We waited in Sioux Falls until the girls were done, but this is where I went wrong.  This pushed Dani to the limit.  By time we got home, she was in respiratory distress.  I put oxygen on her while I got her meds ready.  Her stats went up a little but she still wasn’t doing the greatest.  Dani got a neb treatment and more coughs came out, which was good.  I had to suction out the mucus for her.  By this time, her stats were dropping.  She was flushed, temp high, and oxygen levels low.  So I once again gave her Clonidine to help her out since it looked like one of her storms.  Within 5 minutes she was stabilized and her labored breathing was gone.  Dani then went down for a 4 hour nap.  I hope her storms are back only because she has a cold, and once she is better they will go away again.  When I look back to a year ago, Dani would have been rushed to the hospital for something like this and would been in the PICU for at least a week.  But now, Dan and I are getting quite skilled in the medical field and can handle most of what Dani throws at us! 

Brian and Amanda brought supper over for us.  They brought along their dog, Max.  Rex, the protector that he is went and hid behind the couch.  He would peek at Max and then run and hide.  It took awhile but then Rex warmed up to Max and then the race was on!  They chased each other, played, and fought the rest of the night.  Max was good at biting Rex’s ears but Rex would nip at Max’s legs.  By time they left, both dogs were pooped.  Rex is still tired today! Dani is having a very sleepy day today.  She slept in until 9AM then Beans and I gave her a bath.  This wore Dani out because she went down for a nap and didn’t wake up until 11:30AM.  I got 4 sessions in on masking because she fell back asleep on me.  She is in her bed snoring.  At least she is holding good stats right now, well for now she is….

Sneezing…suction..nebs…oxygen…Oh Dani…

That pretty much sums up Dani’s day today.  Yesterday afternoon Dan noticed Dani sneezing and coughing more.  He had to suction her and could get a lot of junk out of her.  Dani also started getting nebs when she would sound really junky.  Dan continued to mask Dani and she got thru the day.  Well she pulled out the big guns for the nurse.  At about 11 AM, I got the call from home saying Dani is not keeping her oxygen stats above 89%.  I said it was ok to put her on oxygen and I was going to be right home.  When I got home, Dani’s oxygen stats were around 93%, but her face was blotchy.  I said it looks like one of Dani’s storm.  The nurse didn’t think so because her heart rate wasn’t high but she was running a temp.  I got the Clonidine ready because I was pretty sure is a storm. Dani was just doing a different kind of storm.  Sure enough, within 5 minutes of getting the Clonidine, Dani stabilized and oxygen stats were at 100%, temp went away, the flushed face was also gone.  The nurse felt bad because she has been coming here for a year and she didn’t think it was a storm.  I told her not to worry, it just makes me feel good that I am catching on to Dani’s tricks.  Dani is taking a nap and her rattling breathing went away as well.  Least we dodged the bullet on having another hospital stay…

JANUARY 23, 2008

Today marks the day of two years that Dani has survived past her brain injury.  Two years we have ridden the Dani Kathryn Roller Coaster, two years we have witnessed a miracle and I have a feeling she isn’t done yet.  Dani has more to share with us and we have much more to learn from her.  I treasure the days to come and I am honored she is a part of our lives. 

Most parents go through the “normal” stages of life with their children, as we did with Kaylee and Brianna.  A few go through “special” stages of life with their children.  We were blessed to experience both with our children.  With Dani, we experienced three different Dani’s in her short lifetime.  The first Dani was when she was first born.  The second Dani was the brain damaged Dani.  This Dani was born on January 23rd, 2006.  The third Dani was the post medicated Dani. This Dani was born June 02nd, 2006.   Even though some of these Dani’s were hard to endure her struggles, I admire her strength and her will to survive.  She is a fighter even though her fight always seemed to be a losing battle.   Dani has not utter one word but she has the attention of many people.  She is an inspiration for many and she is my hero. 

Dani was born July 01, 2005, and what an entrance she made into this world.  First, she has the cord wrapped so tight around her neck that the doctors had a hard time freeing her from it.  This should have been our first indicator that Dani has her own way of doing things.  Once they freed her from her cord, time seem to freeze for me.  This was the first time Dani fought for her life.  It was a race against time before we heard her feeble cry.  Even at this point I was unable to see my little fighter.  You see when you have a baby with physical problems, you are shielded from them.  The doctor slowly turned around and said “we have her breathing, but there are some birth defects” as she moved so I could see my little girl.  Dani was born with Arthrogryposis and Bilateral Hip Dysplasia.  In easy terms, tight joints and dislocated hips.   It is almost laughable because we thought we were very busy with Dani at this stage in life, little did I think she could get even busier.  We were told that we should go through a grieving process for Dani.  A grieving process because Dani was not “normal” in their eyes.  To be honest, I never did, because I did not see Dani as not “normal” at this point in life.  Sure she had some physical disadvantages, but she was “normal” for us.  She had a personality, she had a beautiful smile and a very deep giggle.  I remember her smile.  You see she always had big chipmunk cheeks.  When she would smile her, her checks would push up and drool would come out of both sides of her mouth.  I miss her smile. I miss her giggles.  Dani became a healthy eater.  She loved to eat as you can see by her earlier pictures.   She was up to 8 ounces of formula and ½ jar of baby food.  I remember she would scream at me between bites of babyfood because she thought it should come as fast as her formula did.  She would get the food all over her face.  I miss feeding Dani her food.  

 January 23rd, 2006 will forever haunt me.  This is the day I lost my little girl.  It was me that raced her to the ER because she was struggling to breathe.  It was me that consented to intubating Dani.  I am forever haunted by this because I had to watch her heart stopping.  I watched as they worked to get it going to only have it stop once again.  You see, I consented to them hurting Dani.  My guilt will forever haunt me because I let them hurt Dani.  My baby, I am so sorry.   

We are very fortunate to meet many people in the health field.  This is known as Dani’s medical family.  We had many types of specialists, therapists, and nurses to help Dani.  I don’t know how many get to have a chiropractor, pediatrician, physiast, neurologist, neurosurgeon, surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, cardiologist, pulmonologist, GI, Keto Team, ophthalmologist,  Occupational therapist, Physical therapist, Speech therapist, Vision Therapist, Orthotics, and the staff at the Institutes.  Also, Dani seen many xray techs, CT techs, MRI techs, phlebotomists.Just when we thought Dani had every specialty doctor you could imagine, an urologist was added.  I didn’t think it was possible, but we forgot one.  

Dani became well known at Sanford Children’s, Gillette Children’s and Avera Mckennan Hospital and she even goes out to Philadelphia, PA to the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential..  We pretty much knew all the PICU doctors, nurses and staff on a first name basis because Dani liked to visit them so often.  I think the doctors will admit more than once that Dani had them baffled.  So was known to the rare thing and get those doctors thinking.  When Dani was in the hospital, she made sure everyone was on their toes! 

Many of Dani’s medical family referred to Dani as “fragile and frail.”  Honestly, it took me quite some time to see that.  It wasn’t until May 2007 that I saw how frail Dani’s life really was.  At this Dani was entered into Hospice care.  Even then Dani was showing us to have faith in her.  Dani was pulled out of Hospice after 6 weeks because she was determined not to die, but to go on living and teaching. 

I grieve for Kaylee and Brianna.  They have been so good through all of this.  I had Brianna ask me, “If Dani dies, will I still be a big sister?”  Kaylee even said, “She was worried if Dani died, if the family could survive the sadness.”  Kaylee had said, “Mom, it is ok that Dani doesn’t remember us, but why can’t she remember you.”  Such big thoughts for children to be worrying about.    Kaylee and Brianna always put Dani first.  Kaylee and Brianna are big helpers for Dan and me even though we didn’t always have time to tell them that.  I never see them get jealous towards Dani because she required 110% of our attention.  They sat thru many doctors’ visits, they endured many hospital stays where only one parent was home, and they too watch their sister fight for her life.  They are the best big sisters anyone could ask for in life! 

There are times when I see Abby playing with the doll house at Grandma Donna’s that my heart wants to break in two.  Dani should be playing next to her.  When I see Jasmin hitting all her milestones in her life, it hurts that Dani wasn’t able to do a lot of them.  My baby was cheated out of so much.  This is what I grieve for. 

In Dani’s short life time, she has touched the lives of many.  She is an inspiration to all that followed her struggles and triumphs.  I am forever amazed on just how many people she touched.  People from other countries would sign her guestbook and we would get emails from many offering encouragement.  I treasure the days that someone would come up to me and said, “I read Dani’s website every day, sometimes I check it 3 or 4 times a day.”  You see my little girl is a teacher.  She taught us all what is important in life.  She taught us to slow down life and enjoy the simple things.  She taught us unconditional love.  She taught us endurance, faith, and to have hope even when it seems all hope is lost.   

In my dreams, I see a fourth Dani.  A Dani that can interact with her environment and is an active member of our family.  This Dani is off her medications, she is alert, she “normal”.   I picture her and Abby playing tricks on Jasmin, ransacking Kaylee’s Barbies, hiding Brianna’s Bratz dolls.  I can hear her deep laugh and can hear “I love you Mommy.” I can feel her arms around me giving me a hug.   In my dreams she is free from her body that has her trapped.  No more seizures plague her body.  No more invasive procedures.  But then my dream always goes into my nightmare of the ER and I usually wake up crying because reality hits me and I realize Dani can’t run around with Abby.  My baby cannot do these things. 

These last two years have not been easy to be honest, they have been darn right difficult.   Just like Dani, I have my good and bad days.  It is so easy to be thinking of the “what if’s” that one could get severely depressed in a second.  Would Dani be crawling now, would Dani be  walking, Would Dani be talking… You can’t even dwell on the past before the brain injury because that too is painful.  You can only live day by day because you never know what kind of day Dani will give you. 

 I want to thank all of you that have helped us these two years.  Your support is appreciated and it helps us get thru the tough days. 


Dani got the go ahead to begin reducing her Phenobarbital medication!!!  This one will be trickier than the Depakote.  The only thing Dani has going in her favor is that her Phenobarbital level right now it is not at a therapeutic level.  But she has been on this for 2 years and Phenobarbital is very addicting.  If we don’t go down very slowly, Dani could go thru withdrawal or develop really massive seizures.  We have Diastat on hand and we are ready to try this.  It was very encouraging that Dr David suggested that if this doesn’t work, he would be willing to try a different seizure medication.  So, we are crossing our fingers and see how it goes.  We also talked about working on giving Dani tastes of baby food to prepare her for a swallow study.  Our goal is to get the study completed before we go back to Philadelphia.   It is like a big weight lifted off my shoulders that we finally have the medical field accepting our choices for Dani and supporting Dani.  It is nice to focus my strength on Dani instead fighting her medical family.  Dani and I also had a chiropractor appointment.  The girls had their play therapy session and we watched Meet the Robinsons for a family movie night.   

Keep up the good work Dani!!!

Dani is doing well on her program.  She is getting all her sessions in for masking and everything else, she is doing half of her goals.  I am putting together a video, to illustrate what we do with Dani.  She is one busy girl.  We started doing her program downstairs and we have seen huge improvements by doing this.  We are thinking maybe it was too bright upstairs for her.  When she gets tired, she lets us know and she will get to take a nap.  We also noticed that Dani is starting to sleep thru the night again.  She works so hard during the day, she is ready for bed at night.  The stinker even thinks she needs to sleep in until 9AM every day!

Tomorrow Dani has an appointment with her neurologist.  We are hoping to get the go ahead to get off the Phenobarbital.  Dani has successfully been off the Depakote since September.  After the Phenobarbital, we have the Keppra, Valium, and Neurotin to tackle.  Not to mention all of her other medications! 

New Look to Dani’s Website

I updated Dani’s website.  If you sign up to the mailing list, you will get an email everytime I update her journal.



We just got the paperwork in the mail!  Dani has had a good week. On Monday, she got her port accessed for the month and had her chiropractor appointment.  Dan has kept her extra busy with her program and she has tolerated it very well.  Wednesday the girls had CCD and play therapy was Thursday night.  Rex had his vet appointment on Wednesday and his infection has cleared.  He still loves playing tag with the girls and he doesn’t mind he is always it!  Rex has a sock fetish and whenever he finds one, he thinks he struck gold!  Only once Dani lost her socks to him.  They conveniently or magically flew off her feet and into his mouth!  He has never tried that again!  Rex has been a good addition to the family.  We don’t have anything planned for the weekend but stay home where it is warm! 


Dani had a good week.  She had a chiropractor appointment.  Dani’s IFSP meeting was on Thursday.  Rex had a wonderful time at this meeting.  He went from person to person getting attention from everyone.  He was one pooped puppy by time everyone left!  At Dani’s meeting we discussed the transition when Dani turns three.  We will keep doing what we are and in 6 months we write a new plan for Dani with the school district.  On Friday Grandma Donna came down for the weekend.  Grandma Donna brought Kaylee and Brianna up to Brookings for Gracie’s birthday party.  Happy Birthday Gracie!  I stayed back with Dani since she wasn’t having a good day.  Once the house got quiet Dani was doing better.  We snuggled and took a nap together in the recliner.  Later in the afternoon Great Grandpa Don and Great Grandma Ann came to visit.  Uncle Tony brought Kaylee and Brianna home just in time to see Don & Ann before they left.  Then Dani thought it was time for her to get our attention.  She started coughing and getting red.  She got herself worked up pretty good.  By time I got her in her bed, her stats were not the greatest.  I gave her some Tylenol and Motrin and she starting bringing up her stats.  She is currently resting in her bed.  I am glad I did not bring her to Brookings because that would have really pushed her over the edge.  Not to be outdone, Abby showed she was pretty good at getting everyone’s attention.  She had her own ER visit today.  Abby took a spill on the steps and ending up getting stitches!  My vote is still for Abby to get the first broken bone in the family!

In ten days brings the 2 year anniversary for Dani.  It will be two years ago that my baby, my bright eyed little girl suffered from her brain injury in the ER.  I often wonder what kind of personality she would have if this day wouldn’t have happen.  Would she be like Kaylee or would she be like Beans?  Dani was cheated out of so much and it breaks my heart that this happened to her.  My baby, my little girl.  What keeps me going is her strength and will to survive.  Dani has fought many odds and overcame many obstacles to get where she is at today.  But with every obstacle she overcomes, more and more get into her path.  Every minute our path changes, one minute it is clear and we witness positive changes in Dani.  Then the next minute she has her eyes rolled up in her head and is oblivious to the world around her.  I don’t know where this next year of her brain injury will bring us or what other miracles we will witness with Dani.  I only hope that I am strong enough to follow her on her path…

Dani had a good week.  Her seizures are back to normal.  A couple of days she only had 1 seizure!  Dani has her IFSP meeting on Thursday.

We spent Saturday at the Heiers.  Uncles Chris, Tony and Kevin and Aunt Suzie took the kids sledding.  Dani got to spend the afternoon with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Durand.  It was 7pm before we started making our way back home.  Dani was growling in the back seat because she was letting us know it was past her bedtime.  She was happy to get home and go to bed.  She had a good night.  But then Dani had to show me that she didn’t appreciate being worn out yesterday.  I noticed her heart rate was higher than normal about the 150s to 160s range.  I did our morning routine and started her program and her face started to get red.  Then her face got bright red so I stripped her down to her t-shirt and diaper and checked her temp.  Her temp was 98.1 but her normal is 95.5.  Dani was having one of her neuro storms.  We have not seen this in months, in fact she has been off the Clonidine for quite some time.  So I gave Dani a PRN dose of Clonidine and Tylenol and put her to bed.  Her heart rate is slowly coming down to normal and she isn’t as flushed.  I am hoping this was a fluke and she doesn’t start having her neuro storms again.

T-rex’s name got shortened to Rex and he is doing awesome at the potty training.  He will go to the patio door and cry when he has to go out.  He has a Dr Jekyll and  Mr Hyde personality.  He will bite at the girls’ feet and pants to get their attention.  When they get tired of it we put on his sweater.  It is like instant Ritalin for him.  He is calm and licks the girls!  What a goofball…


Dani’s Haircut

We brought Dani into the Beauty Nook for a haircut.  We wanted to donate it to Wigs for Kids, but she only had 7 inches, not the 12 inches that was required.  It will be much easier to take care of this way!   Dani also had her chiropractor appointment and RSV shot today.