Happy Birthday Grandpa Durand!

Another week down for the German household.  Dani missed her weekly chiropractor appointment because of the weather.  On Wednesday, she had an appointment with her GI doctor.  Surprisingly, she is down in weight.  I say surprisingly because she still makes my biceps shake when I have to carry her.  She is down over 4 pounds!  Now, she is no longer at the threshold to get the Baclofen pump surgery.  Dr. Doubledee has upped her feeding in order make up for her loss.  This has proven to be tricky because within the last couple of weeks, Dani has started to throw up feedings again.  She did this 2 years ago and threw up for over a year.  Towards the end it was every feeding she would throw up.  She lost a lot of weight during this time.  Many, many expensive tests were ran to try to figure out why she was throwing up, everything always came back normal.  Then one day, she stopped throwing up.  Just like that.  This seems a lot like last time.  She will even wake up crying at about 3 AM, we vent her feeding tube and so many burps come out.  She has been on this formula for close to 2 years, but it is like her body is rejecting it.  Just like the last formula.  So, we will see how Dani behaves the next couple of weeks…

Kaylee and Brianna are doing great in school.  Kaylee made the B Honor roll and Beans made the A Honor roll.  They both go to weekly therapy sessions to help deal with everything that goes on with Dani.  My greatest fear is that they will one day resent Dani because she requires so much of our attention.

One Response

  1. Thinking of you guys as I “catch up” on your journal.

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